Who is Nate?

Current Student at Academy of Arts in San Francisco. Nathaniel Haywood is a born story teller. He is passion driven to make it in to an animation studio and start making history. At a young age he was always around a TV and watched a lot movies like The Goonies and Indiana Jones. His childhood consists of bowls of cereal and the many memorable cartoon shows. He has a deep love for animation movies especially the ones made from Pixar like Toy Story and Up that inspired him to go to art school.

He came to San Francisco to study 3D animation at Academy of Arts. Being there for 2 semesters he found the love of drawing and switched his major to illustration. His reason for switching majors was after reading a book called “Two guys named Joe.” written by John Canemaker. He learned about the life of a story artist at Pixar and Nathaniel realized quickly the path he wanted. Since being in school Nathaniel is now skilled in foundation drawings that strengthen the clarity of the story he is trying to express.

Nathaniel is half way in to his school year and is eager to face the industry when graduation comes. He wants to land a job at the place that inspire him most, but he is open minded and willing to work where ever he is needed. He wants to start make it as a story artist and work his way up to animation director one day. He wishes to be an amazing director like John Lasseter, Pete Doctor, Andrew Stanton, and Brad Bird. There are still years to come but Nathaniel is optimistic as ever. 

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