Friday, July 4, 2014

2 hour dragon painting.

I learned a new technique how to approach my painting and it made the process easier and more fun. I also had some new brushes to play with so this painting for exploration. I had fun painting it.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Tyrion Lannister

I've been working with Adobe Illustrator for the whole semester so its nice to go back to Photoshop again. I feel like I'm improving every semester and I'm always excited to keep learning new things. I'm hooked on game of thrones as is everyone in the world. Last week episode was insane and I feel no hope for our favorite Lannister. Ned Stark didn't escape death so I feel Tyrion will suffer the same fate.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Cats Meow

My final Project for my Illustration 3 class. My favorite assignment of the semester where I got to express my artistic side as well as my musical side. It was really fun recording each instrument. If your good at keeping a beat you can play some sweet cat music.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Horror Babies

This Assignment was for my Illustration 3 at Academy of Arts University. We had to come up with 2 themes and integrate them together. So i picked horror villains with cute babies. It turned out better than I imagined and I'm pretty happy with it. Below is the process from the first initial sketch to the color roughs and then the final image.

This was the original sketches, at first I just tried to capture the look of the Horror villains so it made it look like they were adults in diapers haha. My teacher suggested to make them look more child like by making his head bigger and him arms and legs smaller, not to mention making them chubby. 
This is the final drawing that I would outline in Adobe Illustrator. They turned out to be more baby like and a lot cuter than the first sketches. 

I tried two different color choices and picked my favorites from both of them. For an Example I liked Freddy Kruger's in the first color rough but I like Mike Myers dark hair in the second color rough. I also made some last minute changes that my teacher suggested about taking out Freddy's hair and give him some burn marks, also to add that dress Pinhead wears and give him some details in his clothes. 
And that's how I got to my final illustration. I enjoy this project and there will be more to come in the future. Thanks for listening!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Vector Assigntment

I use to hate vectoring but I understand the benefits to learning it. It works great for cleaning up your line work of a sketch you made which you then can put into photoshop to color. Alot of people hate vectoring but if you can do it fast enough it will help you achieve a clean cartoony look. This Frankenstein image took me awhile to vector haha but it was fun.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Clothed figure studies

This semester I have my final foundations class. Its a nice ending because I'm being taught by the director of Illustration in Academy of Arts and hes such a great teacher and so so funny. Its only been the second day in class but I feel like I'm getting better with him teaching me. Here's some drawings have done. The theme was Boxers and Cowboys.

Animal anatomy study and drawing class.

Hey everyone its been awhile since I posted anything. With school going on I just never had to time to post anything. I just wanted to show what I have done last semester in my animal anatomy class. It was so a fun class with amazing animals that the teacher brought in from horses, birds, bunnies and big cats like cheetahs and mountain lions. We even got to go to the zoo and draw, how cool is that?  I recommend taking a class learning about animals because its a fun subject. Throughout the semester we had to draw an animal from bones, to muscles and then to a final render. So hope you enjoy my artwork!

My dogs bones wont upload :( Ill try again later.