Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New profile picture

Its been awhile since I did a self portrait but I didn't feel like doing in fine art style but more cartoonish.

Bye Daddy

I wanted to convey the sad emotion of a little girl waving goodbye to her daddy going to work. She doesn't know when he'll be back and wants one last look at her dad driving away. 

Disney Tarzan Study

Tarzan is one of my favorite animations. There are so much great animation out there, and they are all my favorites. I started off with a pencil sketch and scanned it into Photoshop and worked from there. I tried my best to make it look the same as the movie and I'm pretty happy the way it turned out. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Tree Studies

I don't draw trees that often so i thought i give it a shot. Man.... Leafs are a pain and its hard to make them look like leafs but i tried my best. My last one painting i had the most fun with and i just like the overall look. Hope you like it guys. If you guys have twitter please follow me @haynatehaywood 

Saturday, July 6, 2013


I bought a new pencil and I decided to practice on a piece I really liked in the book Pixar 25 years of animation I got from Oakland museum. Original piece was made by Robert Kondo 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Stanley.... Bo baneley. Banana fana fo fanley. In my mo manley.

Stanley.... Bo baneley. Banana fana fo fanley. In my mo manley. 

Had a fun time drawing this trying to get the right expression. I feel like drawing the whole office cast. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Nap time

Someone is having a good nap. 

Practicing on skulls

I normally love to draw from my imagination but lately I felt I have been lacking in foundation drawings so I decided to devote some time practicing on skulls. I drew from a skull I have lying In the house (fake of course lol). Way better than drawing from a picture. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Character Doodles and Sketches

For my second post I wanted to show you some of my character doodles and sketches. Doodling is my favorite because I'm not using anything as reference and I'm just using my imagination.